My AP Stories for 2024

My AP Stories for 2024

Link to My AP Stories for 2023 and previous years

And here goes for 2024, a year that I start out as a Winner for The Associated Press Best of the Week for my quake coverage.

My AP Story July 12, 2024 in which I get close to Kabuki superstar Danjuro.

My AP Story July 3, 2024 on the new bills.

My AP Story and My AP Photos June 28, 2024 on what will become of the old Tsukiji fish market area.

My AP Story June 23, 2024 on the rice ball.

And I make my debut as AP’s recipe writer with My AP Story June 23, 2024.

My AP Obit June 19, 2024 on Japan’s “beat” poet Kazuko Shiraishi.

My AP Story June 19, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story June 18, 2024 on the Toyota shareholders’ meeting.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story June 15, 2024 about the price of orange juice.

My AP Story June 12, 2024, an obituary on architect Fumihiko Maki.

My AP Story June 10, 2024 on Japan’s economy.

My AP Story June 16, 2024 on Toyota facing some unhappy shareholders.

My AP Story June 3, 2024 on Toyota apologizing for faulty tests on cars.

My AP Story May 30, 2024 in which I interview George Takei.

My AP Story translated into Spanish.

My AP Story May 29, 2024 on a working group under the U.N. issuing a report on human rights abuses in Japan.

My AP Story May 28, 2024 on Toyota’s talking about the ecological engine in the works.

My AP Story May 23, 2024 on Sony’s strategy centering around its creative businesses.

My AP Story May 22, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story May 19, 2024 on the bear attacks.

My AP Story May 16, 2024 on Honda’s EV strategy.

My AP Story May 16, 2024 on the economy.

My AP Story May 5, 2024, an obituary on Juro Kara.

My AP Story April 29, 2024 about a 1990’s TV reality show.

My AP Story April 25, 2024 on ramen noodles.

My AP Sidebar Story on an easy ramen recipe with My AP Photos.

My AP Story May 14, 2024 on Sony’s earnings.

My AP Story May 13, 2024 on SoftBank Group in the red for the fiscal year.

My AP Story May 10, 2024 on Sega Sammy selling a resort to a U.S. fund.

My AP Story May 8, 2024 on Toyota’s booming profit and investment for future growth.

My AP Story May 7, 2024 on Nintendo promising an announcement on a Switch successor.

My AP Story May 3, 2024 on Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel.

My AP Story April 22, 2024 on Japan’s antitrust body telling Google not to undermine competition.

My AP Story April 19, 2024 on a damages lawsuit filed by Japanese doctors against Google.

My AP Story April 17, 2024 on Japan’s March trade data.

My AP Story and My AP Photos April 16, 2024 on Nissan’s EV ambitions.

My AP Story and My AP Photo April 15, 2024 on a lawsuit accusing Japanese police of racial profiling.

My AP Story March 29, 2024 on “Oppenheimer” opening in Japan.

My AP Story April 6, 2024 on the Japanese prime minister’s visit to a semiconductor plant.

My AP Story April 1, 2024 on the Bank of Japan “tankan” survey.

My AP Story March 29, 2024 on the news conference by Japan’s prime minister.

My AP Story March 27, 2024 when I interview the designer of the Godzilla shoes.

My AP Story March 26, 2024 on Markets.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story March 25, 2024 about North Korea saying Japan seeks summit.

My AP Story March 25, 2024 about Nissan’s aggressive electric vehicle push.

My AP Story March 21, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story March 19, 2024 on the Bank of Japan ending its negative interest rate policy.

My AP Story May 9, 2024 on Nissan’s earnings for the fiscal year.

My AP Story March 15, 2024 on Nissan and Honda working together on electrification and intelligence technology.

Watch the Video here.

My AP Story March 13, 2024 on the failed rocket launch by Space One.

My AP Story March 12, 2024 on Hayao Miayazaki and Japan’s Oscar wins.

My AP Story March 8, 2024 about Kyoto’s geisha district fighting over-tourism with keep-out signs.

My AP Story Feb. 25, 2024 on the opening of a semiconductor plant.

My AP Story Feb. 20, 2024, an obit on the founder of the Daiso 100-yen shop chain.

My AP Story Feb. 9, 2024 in which I interview Mika Ninagawa, and do Photos and Video.

My AP Story Feb. 3, 2024 on the Japanese Embassy’s message about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2024 about a pig cafe.

My AP Story Jan. 31, 2024 on the Olympic trial, where the defendant denies the payments were bribes.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Jan. 29, 2024 on a lawsuit demanding a stop to “racial profiling.”

My AP Story Feb. 13. 2024 on a new president at a Toyota subsidiary fighting a scandal.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2024 on Toyota’s Akio Toyoda stressing a global vision.

My AP Story Jan. 29, 2024 on Toyota apologizing for cheating on testing _ again.

My AP Story and My AP Photo Jan. 23, 2024 on a film that documents how single moms are poor.

My AP Story Feb. 15, 2024 about Japan, now the world’s fourth largest economy.

My AP Story Jan. 22. 2024 on a Toyota subsidiary cheating on vehicle safety tests.

My AP Story Jan. 19, 2024 on the poetry reading at the Imperial Palace.

My AP Story Jan. 18, 2024 on Uniqlo’s lawsuit against a rival retailer over a hit bag.

My AP Story Jan. 15, 2024 and My AP Photos of the men alleging sexual abuse by Johnny Kitagawa expressing dissatisfaction at the company response.

My AP Story Jan. 10, 2024, updated Jan. 11, 2024, on how people are dying after getting rescued from quake damage.

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2024 on a woman who runs a fish store telling us how determined she is to rebuild Wajima. The neighborhood cat below:

My AP Story Jan. 8, 2024 about the thousands of people who have lost their homes.

My AP Story Jan. 7, 2024 on the rescue operations in the snow.

My AP Story Jan. 6, 2024 on a miracle rescue.

My AP Story Jan. 5, 2024 on survivors being found beneath rubble.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2024 on the losses people are enduring.

Click on the link below for heartbreaking video of the man in the photo above seeing the body of his wife.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2024 on rescue efforts after the quakes in Ishikawa Prefecture.

The version that appeared Jan. 3, 2024 in The Stars and Stripes, without the updates that continued into the following day.

My AP Story Jan. 2, 2024 on the death toll from the quakes in Ishikawa climbing.

My AP Story Jan. 1, 2024 when the major quake and tsunami hit.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 1, 2024 that’s a global New Year’s roundup.


This is what I found recently as memories on Facebook, of all places, written while I was covering Tokyo Electric Power Co., the utility operating the nuclear power plant in Fukushima that sank into meltdowns after the March 11, 2011 tsunami. I didn’t even remember having written this. It brings back memories so horrible they are almost absurd, even comical, if they weren’t so real and literally catastrophic. I don’t remember why I didn’t share these 12 posts on my then brand new web site, although I went on to write a whole play about the nuclear disaster: NEWS FROM FUKUSHIMA. What made the TEPCO Correspondence so endearing, while also chilling, to read for me now is that, well, it all really happened. I was there, every day, watching the events unfold, filing the news, all the while praying Japan would be saved. But in retrospect, we were lucky as reporters. At least we were busy. One day, a TEPCO official in charge of media runs into the room, where all the media people practically lived at that time in TEPCO headquarters. He comes in running and shouting that a system at one of the reactors has broken down. There might be yet another meltdown. All we do is busily file alerts. But then he runs back in again, shouting: It’s fixed. It’s fixed. I’m telling you: A big cheer went up in that room. Sometimes there are moments like that. When what is happening is bigger than the next news story, and all we can do is rejoice as people.

TEPCO Correspondence: Notes From a Writer Beyond the Headlines


April 2011


Heard at TEPCO: Company spokesman Junichi Matsumoto’s description of “a meltdown,” when asked by a reporter for “an image” _ “The core is DORO DORO gooey and BOTA BOTA drip-drop melting to the bottom of the reactor.”


On my way to NISA, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, from Kasumigaseki subway station, I pass by the bookstore that sells government reports and booklets. The shop window had a big poster for a book about nuclear power that said: “Peaceful Energy.” It made me want to cry.


Japanese are sensitive to the fears about radiation. Our nation is the only one in the world to have experienced atomic bombings. I have grown up hearing horror stories and seeing photos not only of charred bodies, disfiguring burns and skeletal buildings but also about illnesses that crept up years later, sometimes extending over generations.


That is why the poster is touting the glories of nuclear power as “peaceful.”


We have been told there is a five-layer protection against radioactive leaks at nuclear plants _ the pellets are encased in coatings, and inside rods that are in a vessel, which in turn is inside another chamber, and that is encased in a building. The building bit is what blew up to bits at reactors 1 and 3 shortly after the March 11 tsunami.


So there goes that layer.


The pellets are believed to be doing all that doro doro and bota bota inside the core. So much for those layers. The massive leak of highly radioactive water near reactor 2 means without a doubt that the chamber layer has been compromised, if not something even closer to the pellets.


So where are those five layers of safety that were supposed to protect the people of Japan?

How could they have said there would be a fivefold guarantee of safety if all the layers were so fragile?


There is talk of unifying the now separate news conferences by NISA amd TEPCO on the nuclear crisis. NISA spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama said there were complaints about inconsistencies in the message. I hope they take all the questions. With so many parties involved, on such a complex topic, coverage is likely to remain arduous.


For the first few weeks after March 11, TEPCO officials kept telling us: This is not Three Mile Island.

As Fukushima Daiicihi began spewing highly radioactive water into the sea and radiation was detected in spinach, tap water and the air we breathe, they stopped saying that.


But they kept telling us: This is not Chernobyl.

The government declared FD a Level 7, the same as Chernobyl, on April 12.

They no longer tell us what this is not _ they just look sad and helpless.


Some reporters are frustrated by the briefings at TEPCO, the flipflopping, the don’t knows, evasive answers, sometimes the wrong numbers, off by a few decimal points. “Is this Iwo Jima?” one angry reporter said. “Maybe all we can hope for is a kamikaze (divine wind) to blow and save us,” another said sadly.


Why I Report in English by Yuri Kageyama

This is something I just happened to find in my desk, typed up (yes, typed _ remember those days?). It’s an essay about why I am a reporter, and why I report in the English language that I wrote I think in the 1980s. Perhaps I was applying for work? It is long before I joined The AP. I am not changing the wording, but have put it down exactly the way it is typed on the sheet of paper, except for the four changes made in red in pen that were already there. I might write it differently today. But I feel exactly the same. So here goes:

Ever since I can remember, I have been of both worlds _ American and Japanese. As a child of a Japanese “salaryman” who had dreams of pioneering science by crossing borders, years before the Japanese business Establishment decided “internationalization” was fashionable, I was constantly thrust back and forth between two very different, sometimes clashing, cultures.

I will not pretend that the experience was always pleasant. It was often stunning, confusing and painful. One moment, for instance, I was expected to be the submissive, demure Japanese girl, who laughed shyly covering her mouth. The next moment, I found myself having to turn into an assertive, no-nonsense American, who could outtalk and outperform any male.

Gradually I have come to accept this dichotomy. In a sense, I now cherish it as a privilege. I took to switching cultural allegiance for convenience. I would claim my “Japaneseness” when watching Ennosuke Ichikawa Kabuki, but I would, with no qualms, claim “Americanhood” while appreciating soul rhythms at an Earth, Wind and Fire concert.

It is, after all, an eyeopener to perceive that many of society’s rules are arbitrary. What passes as positive in one culture may be absolutely taboo in another, and vice versa. As a perpetual outsider, one can see through much of the false pretentious aspects of social norms and values and hope to grasp more accurately the universal human essence.

Reporting in English about Japanese matters, therefore, came naturally to me. Explaining the East to the West has been my persistent pastime. It is something I do well, I think, because it is part of my fate.

Earlier this year, I flew to Iwo Jima to cover the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s annual services for the war dead there. The sandy island speckled with gnarled tropical vegetation appeared, at first glance, barren except for the military bases.

Yet, upon closer inspection, strange voices seemed to fill the hot, dry air _ chants verging on song, rising and falling. So many people, both American and Japanese, have died here, the voices seemed to be saying. Their blood covers this island. Even if it has been washed away, the fact of history that thousands died here will never be erased, the windlike voices were saying.

Two monuments stand on Iwo Jima _ the one put up by Americans with the Stars and Stripes and the other of gray stone built by Japanese with a graphic depiction of the map of Japan. As though staring into two alien worlds with unmoving granite eyes, the two monuments remain apart on opposite sides of the same hill.

The visit held a revelation for me. Obviously, Japan and the U.S. are two separate countries that have even waged war against one another. Today, many of the misunderstanding and barriers that divide the two nations are still close to insurmountable. But thanks to a slightly aberrant upbringing, the two worlds are totally at peace within myself.

It is this unconditional yet effortless peace between Japan and America I know so intimately that I want to keep in mind when I work as a reporter.

My AP Author Page

My AP Author Page

This is the link to My AP Author Page, that one place where you can see all my stories, photos and video for The Associated Press:



My AP Author Page where you can see all my stories, photos and video in one place.

My AP Stories for 2022 with links on the site to some earlier years. And My AP Stories for 2023:

My AP Story Dec. 14, 2023 on the Olympic bribery trial, in which the main defendant Haruyuki Takahashi asserts his innocence.

My AP Story Dec. 8, 2023 on Nintendo canceling and postponing events over threats.

My AP Story Dec. 5, 2023 on the ongoing Tokyo Olympic scandal trial.

My AP Story Nov. 18, 2023, an obit on religious leader Daisaku Ikeda.

My AP Story Nov. 8, 2023 on Nintendo working on a Zelda live-action film.

My AP Story Nov. 3, 2023 with my photo and video when I interview the director of the new Godzilla film.

My AP Story Nov. 29, 2023 on Toyota selling part of its stake in Denso.

My AP Story Nov. 1, 2023 on Toyota’s earnings getting a big boost from the cheap yen.

My AP Story Oct. 29, 2013 on the G-7 trade meeting.

My AP Story Oct. 25, 2023 on the Tokyo Mobility Show.

My AP Story Oct. 10, 2023 on the latest in the ongoing Tokyo Olympics bribery trial.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Oct. 7, 2023 when I interview director Yoji Yamada.

The story gets highlighted in Kabuki by Shochiku Oct. 14, 2023.

My AP Story Oct. 12, 2023 on Toyota’s move on EV batteries.

My AP Story Oct. 2, 2023 on the ongoing Johnny’s story whose name is now Smile-Up.

My AP Story Sept. 21, 2023 on Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli becoming Nippon TV’s subsidiary.

My AP Story Sept. 16, 2023, an obit on Kabuki actor and innovator Eno Ichikawa.

My AP Story Aug. 29, 2023 about Ryuichi Sakamoto’s final film.

My AP Story Sept. 2, 2023 with My AP Photos on Vocaloid star Hatsune Miku, 16 from 16 years ago.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Aug. 23, 2023 on digital clones in Japan.

My AP Story Oct. 6, 2023 in which I interview the CEO of major Tokyo developer Mori, and My AP Photos.

My AP Story Sept. 21, 2023 with the tender offer completed.

My AP Story Aug. 7, 2023 about Toshiba announcing a buyout offer.

My AP co-byline Story Sept. 15, 2023 on Arm’s IPO.

My AP Story Sept. 13, 2023 with the company setting up the compensation panel, foregoing pay.

My AP Story Sept. 7, 2023 on Johnny’s apologizing and promising compensation.

My AP Story July 13, 2023 about people coming forward alleging sexual abuse at Johnny’s.

My AP Story Sept. 4, 2023 about how the men who have come forward are hopeful, and fearful, ahead of the company’s first news conference on the scandal.

My AP Story Aug. 29, 2023 about a team looking into sexual assault allegations at Johnny’s and demanding Julie resign.

My AP Story Sept. 12, 2023 about companies dropping Johnny’s stars from ads.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Aug. 4, 2023 about a U.N. group looking into the allegations at Johnny’s and how seven men saw that as a big step forward.

My AP Story and My AP Photo Aug. 14, 2023 on the men who came forward on the abuse speaking to the special team set up by Johnny & Associates.

My AP Story and My AP Photo Aug. 31, 2023 on Nissan Leaf batteries being reused for a portable power station.

My AP Story Aug. 31, 2023 on a retail chain being sold to a U.S. fund.

My AP Story Aug. 15, 2023 on Japan’s economic growth surging on strong exports and tourism.

My AP Weather Story Aug. 6, 2023.

My AP Story June 29, 2023 on Fender’s first flagship store opening in Tokyo, and My AP Photo below.

My AP Story May 29, 2023 about the comic who poses naked but, don’t worry, is wearing … pants.

My AP Video and My AP Photos that go with My AP Story. Thanks to Tony for sharing his Story.

My AP Story Aug. 9, 2023 on Sony’s financial results hit by a strike in the U.S. movie sector.

My AP Story Aug. 8, 2023 on SoftBank Group’s earnings report.

My AP Story July 6, 2023 on MyNumber in Japan.

My AP Story June 12, 2023 about Johnny’s in-house investigation on sexual abuse.

My AP Story June 19, 2023 on how wages and prices are rising.

My AP Story June 14, 2023 about how Toyota shareholders rejected a proposal on climate change.

My AP Story June 13, 2013 on Toyota’s EV initiatives.

My AP Story, My AP Photos and My AP Video June 2, 2023 about Maholo, who is French and Japanese _ and a Kabuki star.

My AP Story June 1, 2023 about Toyota’s liquid hydrogen racing car.

And My AP Photos when I get close to Akio Toyoda aka Morizo, who drove the hydrogen racing car.

My AP Story May 27, 2023 about Le Mans to include hydrogen vehicles.

My AP Story May 30, 2023 about Toyota, Daimler Truck, Hino, Mitsubishi Fuso joining forces in ecological technology.

My AP Story May 20, 2023 about Toyota disclosing improper crash tests.

My AP Story May 18, 2023 about Japan’s prime minister meeting with chip makers.

My AP Story May 15, 2023 about the apology from the talent agency mired in a sex scandal.

My AP Story May 17, 2023 on Japan economic growth.

My AP Story May 11, 2023 on Nissan’s earnings.

My AP Story May 11, 2023 on SoftBank’s earnings.

My AP Story May 11, 2023 on Honda’s earnings.

My AP Story May 12, 2023 on a data breach on 2 million Toyota vehicles.

My AP Story May 10, 2023 on Toyota’s earnings results.

My AP Story May 2, 2023 on BYD EVs starting to crack the Japan market and My AP Photos.

My AP Story May 1, 2023 about Jack Ma being a professor at a Japanese university.

My AP Story April 26, 2023 on Honda outlining its EV strategy.

My AP Story April 21, 2023 with My AP Photo, in which Toyota’s new president vows to push ahead with EVs.

My AP Story April 21, 2023 on a verdict in the Olympic bribery trial.

My AP Story April 15, 2023 on Takeshi Kitano’s latest film headed to Cannes.

My AP Story April 14, 2023 in which I interview Makoto Shinkai about his filmmaking.

My AP Story April 12, 2023 on a former Johnny’s Junior alleging sexual abuse.

My AP Story April 11, 2023 on climate change in Japan.

My AP Story April 3, 2023, an Obit on Ryuichi Sakamoto.

My iPhone snapshot of Ryuichi Sakamoto during my interview.

My AP Story April 6, 2023 about the Olympic scandal and the Sapporo election.

My AP Story March 24, 2023 on Toshiba’s tender offer.

My AP Story March 19, 2023 on how the hit WBC pepper-grinder move is out in high school baseball.

My AP Story March 8, 2023 on how women prosecutors are fighting crime, gender inequality.

My AP Story March 6, 2023 and My AP Photo (below) on One Piece going Hollywood.

My AP Story March 7, 2023 on Roki Sasaki at the World Baseball Classic, which makes it into the Stars and Stripes.

My AP Story March 17, 2023 on business leaders from South Korea and Japan agreeing to work together.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story March 19, 2023 on a North Korean missile launch.

My AP Story March 14, 2023 on Trevor Bauer signing with a Yokohama club.

My AP Story Feb. 26, 2023 on a young Ukrainian making Japan his new home.

My AP Story and My AP Photos March 9, 2023 on Nissan’s electrification move.

My AP Story Feb. 28, 2023 about Dentsu and others getting charged in the Olympic bid-ridding scandal.

My AP Story March 9, 2023 about Japan’s economic growth staying flat.

My AP Story March 10, 2023 on the next central bank governor.

My AP Story Feb. 14, 2023 on a scholar being nominated to head Japan’s central bank.

My AP Story Feb. 27, 2023 about Nissan accelerating its shift toward electric vehicles.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Feb. 18, 2023 about North Korea firing yet another missile.

My AP Story Feb. 17, 2023 on an Olympic bribery scandal trial opening in Tokyo.

My AP Story Feb. 14, 2023, an Obit on Shoichiro Toyoda, the son of Toyota’s founder.

My AP Story Feb. 13, 2023 on Toyota’s new leadership team.

My AP Story Feb. 6, 2023 with Kelvin Chan in London about Nissan and Renault balancing their mutual shareholdings.

My AP Story Feb. 4, 2023 on the prime minister’s aide being forced to leave over discriminatory remarks.

My AP Story Feb. 8, 2023 on arrests, now in a bid-rigging investigation into the Olympics.

My AP Story Feb. 2, 2023 on Kadokawa promising better governance in the Olympic scandal.

My AP Story Feb. 2, 2023 on Honda’s hydrogen plans.

My AP Story Feb. 2, 2023 on Sony’s new managerial leadership.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2023 on Nissan, Renault balancing out the shares they hold in each other.

My AP Story Jan. 20, 2023 on Japan’s inflation.

My bit on the Japanese minister is part of this AP Story Jan. 18, 2023 on the Davos World Economic Forum.

My AP Story Jan. 13, 2023 on Akio Toyoda talking about converting old cars into ecological ones.

My AP Story Jan. 26, 2023 on Toyoda stepping aside as CEO.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 6, 2023 on Samurai Japan at the World Baseball Classic.

I’m also a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 10, 2023 about a Rangers pitcher signing with SoftBank.

My AP Story Jan. 2. 2023 on the Emperor greetings well-wishers.

My AP Stories 2022

Here goes with My AP Stories in 2022. My AP Stories for 2021 and more links there for the previous years. My AP Stories for 2023.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story and My AP Photos Dec. 31, 2022 on New Year’s around the world.

I filed the Japan reaction for this AP Story Dec. 31, 2022 on Pope Emeritus Benedict’s death.

My AP Story Dec. 31, 2022 on a landslide in northern Japan.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Dec. 31, 2022 on North Korea’s missile firings.

My AP Story Nov. 28, 2022 on Toru Kubota, who was freed from a Myanmar prison.

My AP Story Nov. 25, 2022 on the widening investigation into Olympic corruption.

My AP Story Nov. 22, 2022 in which I interview Takashi Murakami on his collaboration with Post Malone.

My AP Story Nov. 17, 2022 on Japan’s trade data showing record high imports and exports.

My AP Story Nov. 16, 2022 on the new Toyota Prius.

My AP Story Nov. 15, 2022 on Japan’s economy.

My AP Story Nov. 11, 2022 on four of Japan’s biggest rock stars forming a band.

My AP Story Nov. 11, 2022 about Japan vying for “last chance” as major chips producer.

My AP Story Nov. 8, 2022 on the Americans convicted in Ghosn escape returning home.

My AP Story Nov. 9, 2022 on how Nintendo is counting on a new movie, theme parks and merchandising to keep growth going.

My AP Story Nov. 8, 2022 on Nintendo’s earnings for the fiscal first half.

My AP Story Oct. 22, 2022 on the husband of a former princess passing the NY bar.

My AP Story Oct. 25, 2022 about the push for My Number digital cards.

My AP Story Oct. 27, 2022 explaining the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy.


My AP Story Oct. 19, 2022 on the widening Olympic bribery scandal.

My AP Story Oct. 4, 2022 on a publishing executive getting charged in the Olympic scandal.

My AP Story Aug. 17, 2022 on prosecutors making arrests on suspicion of bribery related to the Olympics.

My AP Story Sept. 6, 2022 on the scandal widening with more arrests, Takahashi formally charged.


My AP Story Oct. 21, 2022 on the new German CEO at Japan’s Olympus.

My AP Story Oct. 13, 2022 on the new EV company bringing together Sony and Honda.

My AP Story Oct. 8, 2022, an Obit for Toshi Ichiyanagi.

My AP Story Sept. 30, 2020 where I chat online with Digital Minister Taro Kono.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Oct. 10, 2020 about tourists from abroad returning.

My AP Story Oct. 5, 2022 on a U.S.-Japan workshop on bioethanol in Tokyo.

My AP Story Sept. 29, 2022 on the NBA in Japan and My AP Photos.

My AP Story Sept. 25, 2022 when Floyd Mayweather Jr. wins in a exhibition fight in Japan.

My AP Story Sept. 24, 2022 on his comments ahead of the exhibition.

My AP Story Sept. 3, 2022 on rescued dolphins swimming free from a sanctuary in Indonesia.

My joint byline AP Story Sept. 28, 2022 on Vice President Harris in town.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Sept. 23, 2022 about the protest against Shinzo Abe’s state funeral.

My AP Story Aug. 26, 2022 with My AP Photos and My AP Video on Japanese salarymen becoming TikTok superstars.

My AP Story Sept. 24, 2022 on another storm hitting Japan.

My AP Story Sept. 19, 2022 on the storm hitting southwestern Japan and traveling northward to Tokyo.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Sept. 1, 2022 on a robot that stocks shelves at a convenience store.

My AP Obit Aug. 18, 2022 on fashion designer Hanae Mori.

My AP Obit Aug. 9, 2022 on Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake.

My AP Obit Aug. 30, 2022 on Kazuo Inamori, founder of Kyocera.

My AP Story Aug. 3, 2022 about Japanese journalist Toru Kubota’s friends demanding his release from detention in Myanmar.

My AP Story Sept. 2, 2022 on Nissan eager to leverage U.S. tax breaks on electric vehicles.

My AP Story Aug. 31, 2022 on Toyota investing in battery production in the U.S. and Japan.

My AP Story Aug. 29, 2022 about Honda and LG setting up a battery JV in the U.S.

My AP Story Aug. 2, 2022 on Hino falsifying emissions and mileage data for 20 years.

My AP Story July 27, 2022 about monkeys attacking a Japan city.

My AP Story July 18, 2022 on South Korean and Japanese foreign ministers talking to mend ties.

My AP Story and My AP Photos July 8, 2022 on a Japanese company stopping production of matchbooks. (I also did AP Video.)

My AP Story July 8, 2022 on how the attack on an ex-prime minister stuns Japan reputed for gun control.

My AP Story July 10, 2022 on how a homemade gun was used in the assassination.

My AP Story July 11, 2022 on how the Unification Church distanced itself from the assassination.

My AP Story July 29, 2022 on Sony’s profits rising despite waning interest in video games.

My AP Story July 28, 2022 on Nissan’s profits plunging on lockdown, chips shortage.

My AP Story July 8, 2022 on the death of Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of “Yu-Gi-Oh!”

My AP Story July 15, 2022 on how Toyota’s Japan flagship Crown is debuting on global markets.

My AP Story June 28, 2022 about Japan bracing for a return of tourists from abroad.

My AP Story and My AP Photos June 23, 2022 on a Japanese high court rejecting paternity harassment claims.

My AP Interview and AP Photos June 17, 2022 with Naomi Kawase about her Olympic films.

My AP Photos and AP Story June 19, 2022 on Juneteenth abroad to which I’m a Contributor.

My AP Story June 28, 2022 on Toshiba shareholders approving 13 nominations to the board.

My AP Story and My AP Photos June 12, 2022 on protests in Sapporo and Tokyo against bidding for the 2030 Winter Olympics.

My AP Story June 8, 2022 on boxing champion Naoya Inoue. My AP Interview from 2021.

My AP Story June 8, 2022 on Japan’s economy contracting, but at smaller rate than thought.

My AP Story June 7, 2022 an obit on former Sony chief Nobuyuki Idei.

My AP Story June 2, 2022, in which I interview poet Shuntaro Tanikawa.

My AP Video and My AP Story May 25, 2022 on how the declining yen is a blessing for some, burden to others.

My AP Story May 27, 2022 on a Kisho Kurokawa’s capsules coming down.

My AP Story May 30, 2022 on a territorial dispute between South Korea and Japan.

My AP Co-Byline Story today on the official Tokyo Olympics film on the athletes completed.

My AP Story May 13, 2022 on Nissan mulling a third auto plant in the U.S.

My AP Story May 11, 2022 about Wim Wenders making a film about fancy public restrooms in Japan.

My AP Story May 6, 2022 on musicians coming together in a video collaboration for Ukraine.

My AP Story April 27, 2022 on a Japan railway powered entirely by renewable energy.

My AP Story April 21, 2022 about U.S. drone company Zipline starting to deliver medicine in Japan.

My AP Story April 20, 2022 on an Ukrainian opera singer praying for peace through song.

My AP Story April 8, 2022 about “Tokyo Vice.”

My co-byline AP Story May 10, 2022 about an All Japan committee promoting the Sapporo Olympic bid.

My AP Story April 7, 2022 about famed directors denouncing sexual abuse in Japanese filmmaking.

My AP Story April 16, 2022 on American lawmakers meeting with Japan’s prime minister.

My AP Story April 12, 2022 on Honda’s electrification strategy.

My AP Story April 8, 2022 on Nissan developing a “game changing” battery for electric cars.

My AP Story June 3, 2022 on Toshiba considering going private as an option.

My AP Story March 24, 2022 on Toshiba shareholders voting down the latest restructuring plan.

My AP Story March 3, 2022 on the verdict for Greg Kelly, cleared on all counts except for charges in one of the eight contested years. He gets to go home because his sentence was suspended. The defense is appealing, asserting complete innocence.

My AP Story March 16, 2022 on the Tokyo prosecutors also appealing the verdict for Greg Kelly.

My AP EXPLAINER Story March 1, 2022 on the verdict for Greg Kelly, an American on trial in the Carlos Ghosn scandal.

My AP Story March 10, 2022 on the U.S. government seeking the two Americans in prison in Carlos Ghosn’s escape be allowed to serve the rest of their time in the U.S.

My AP Story Feb. 24, 2022 on how a Japanese woman influenced Jamaican music.

My AP Story March 24, 2022 about a widening scandal at top brokerage SMBC Nikko Securities.

My co-bylined AP Story March 16, 2022 on Sapporo’s bid for the 2030 Olympics.

My AP Story Feb. 28, 2022 on how Japanese manga has gone global.

My AP Story March 4, 2022 on Japan’s Honda, Sony joining forces on new electric vehicle.

My AP Story March 1, 2022 on Toshiba’s CEO stepping down amid restructuring efforts.

My AP Story Feb. 16, 2022 on Kirin selling its China venture to an investment fund.

My AP Story Feb. 8, 2022 on SoftBank turning to IPO for its stake in Arm.

My AP Story Jan. 24, 2022, our obit on French fashion designer Manfred Thierry Mugler.

My AP Story Jan. 28, 2022 on Toyota going to the moon.

My AP Story Jan. 7, 2022 on Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa speaking about his recent trip to outer space.

My AP Story Feb. 15, 2022 on the economy growing on the back of improved consumer spending and exports.

My AP Story Feb. 1, 2022 on Toyota apologizing for employee’s suicide after overwork and power harassment.

My AP Story Jan. 28, 2022 on a high-profile departure at SoftBank.

My AP Story Jan. 27, 2022 on the Renault-Nissan alliance investing in electric vehicles.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 25, 2022 on Japanese skateboarders.

I worked on this AP Story Jan. 22, 2022 on the Tonga volcanic eruption.

My AP Story Jan. 21, 2022 on the shortage of parts caused by the coronavirus pandemic further denting production at Toyota.

My AP Story Jan. 20, 2022 on Japan’s imports and exports reaching record highs.

My AP Story Jan. 18, 2022 on Japan expanding COVID measures.

My AP Story Jan 12, 2022 on Japanese Minister Daishiro Yamagiwa confident about balancing COVID controls with economic growth.

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2022 on the Japanese prime minister saying a deal has been reached on the U.S. military to stop COVID’s spread.

My AP Story Jan. 7, 2022 about Japan kicking in restrictions to curb COVID infections in Okinawa, Yamaguchi and Hiroshima.

My AP Story Jan. 6, 2022 on Japan asking U.S. forces to stay on bases as COVID cases jump.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 5, 2022 on North Korea firing a suspected missile.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2021 on Japan’s Prime Minister promising coronavirus boosters and new measures against the omicron.

My AP Story Jan. 1, 2022 on the emperor’s message for the New Year.

My AP Stories for 2021

My AP Stories for 2021 are below. Please click on the highlighted links to read my AP Stories, and to go to My AP Stories for 2020, and My AP Stories for 2019 and 2018:

My AP Story Dec. 31, 2021 on the suspect in a clinic fire dying.

My AP Story Dec. 14, 2021 on Toyota’s Akio Toyoda promising more pure electric models.

My AP Story Dec. 1, 2021 on Japanese boxer Naoya Inoue.

My AP Story Nov. 21, 2021 on Japan’s COVID policy of having sick people just stay at home.

My AP co-byline Story Nov. 29, 2021 on Sapporo wanting the 2030 Olympics.

My AP Story Nov. 29, 2021 on Nissan’s investing in electric vehicles and battery development.

My AP Story Nov. 21, 2021 an Obit on Oscar-winning Japanese costume designer Emi Wada.

My AP Story Nov. 19, 2021 on Japan’s record economic stimulus package.

My AP Story Nov. 14, 2021 on how a princess, who left the imperial palace to marry her college sweetheart, left with him to live in New York.

My AP Story Nov. 12, 2021 about how Toshiba is spinning off its energy and device units.

My AP Story Nov. 9, 2021 about Taiwan’s TSMC building its first Japan plant amid chips crunch.

My AP Story Nov. 4, 2021 about Mazda’s new cars stopping if driver suffers health problem.

My AP Story Nov. 1, 2021 on Kishidanomics and how many people still aren’t sure what it means.

My AP Story Oct. 29, 2021 on how tourists from abroad are nowhere to be seen in Tokyo tourist spots.

My AP Photos:

My AP Story Oct. 27, 2021 an Obit on Sunao Tsuboi, an atomic bomb survivor.

My AP Story Oct. 27, 2021 on the defense’s closing arguments in the case of Greg Kelly.

My AP Story Oct. 25, 2021 in which I interview director Keisuke Yoshida about his movies.

My AP Story Oct. 22, 2021 in which I interview Carlos Ghosn.

My AP Story Aug. 19, 2021 in which I interview Greg Kelly, a former Nissan executive standing trial in the case of Carlos Ghosn.

My AP Story Sept. 29, 2021 on the prosecutors closing their case, asking for two years in prison.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Oct. 8, 2021 of a tour of Nissan’s “intelligent factory.”

My AP Story Oct. 25, 2021 on Toyota testing hydrogen combustion engines.

My AP Story Sept. 28, 2021 on Toyota adding Renovo to its Woven Planet team.

The AP Story Sept. 25, 2021, to which I am a Contributor, on the Quad summit at the White House.

My AP Story Aug. 20, 2021 an obituary on Sonny Chiba who played martial artists in many films, including “Kill Bill.”

My AP Story Aug. 17, 2021, an obit on the “Godfather of Sudoku.”

My AP Story Aug. 16, 2021 on Japan extending and expanding the coronavirus state of emergency.

My AP Story July 30, 2021 about the Tokyo Olympics collecting lots of spit in an effort to curb COVID.

A great “memory shot” by Kii Sato of where I did a video interview for The AP on the Olympic opening ceremony. It was just across the street but because of blocked off traffic I had to make a giant detour and was drenched in sweat when I finally got there. But Yes, I did the interview!

My AP Story Aug. 5, 2021 on what Japan’s “emergency” means during the Olympics.

My AP Explainer Story July 30, 2021 on Japan’s state of emergency.

My AP Story July 27, 2021 on Japan’s disbelief, support after Naomi Osaka’s elimination.

I interviewed the Blue Impulse pilot and the youngster who ran with the torch-runner for this AP Story July 30, 2021 about memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

My AP Story Aug. 29, 2021 on Japan aiming to fully vaccinate its people by October or November.

My AP Story Aug. 19, 2021 about Toyota scaling back production due to pandemic-related parts shortages.

My AP Story Aug. 18, 2021 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story Aug. 16, 2021 on Japan eking out growth in a gradual recovery from the pandemic.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story July 31, 2021 about the Japanese Olympic judo team.

My AP Story July 19, 2021 about the American father and son accused in the Carlos Ghosn escape getting sentenced to prison terms by a Japan court.

My AP Story July 19, 2021 about Toyota, a top Olympics sponsor, pulling Games-related TV ads.

My AP Story July 21, 2021 on Toyota adding to its technology partnership.

My AP Story and AP Photos July 18, 2021 on the protest against the Olympics and more.

My AP Story July 19, 2021 about the Japanese composer tendering his resignation.

My AP Story July 18, 2021 on the Japanese composer for the Tokyo Olympics apologizing for perpetrating abuse.

My AP Story Aug. 10, 2021 on SoftBank’s earnings.

My AP Story July 15, 2021 on Toyota investing in digital mapping.

My AP Story July 13, 2021 about Fujifilm finding new niches, record profits amid pandemic.

My AP Story July 7, 2021 on Nissan’s CEO testifying in court about Carlos Ghosn’s compensation.

My AP Story July 21, 2021 about Japan’s exports, imports zooming amid a pandemic recovery.

My AP Story July 5, 2021 about the Tokyo city assembly election amid pandemic Olympic fears.

My AP Story July 3, 2021 on the mudslide that tore through Atami.

My AP Story July 2, 2021 on the Americans accused in the escape of Carlos Ghosn. Michael Taylor, choking over tears, told the court: “I stand here today a man whose life has been destroyed because of this.”

My AP Story June 30, 2021 on SoftBank denying it’s pulling the plug on the Pepper robot.

My AP Story June 25, 2021 about Toshiba’s shareholders’ meeting.

My AP Story June 21, 2021 on the first day of the Japanese companies’ mass vaccination drive. I also did AP Video today.

My AP Story June 20, 2021 on the arriving Uganda Olympic team having a member test positive for COVID.

My AP Story June 15, 2021 about vaccine laggard Japan stepping up shots with company efforts.

My AP Story June 29, 2021 on the Taylors apologizing to the court.

My AP Story June 14, 2021 on the Taylors’ trial starting.

My AP Story June 13, 2021 on the trial of the two Americans suspected in Carlos Ghosn’s escape.

My AP Story June 7, 2021 on Toyota reaching a settlement over bullied engineer’s suicide.

My AP Story May 26, 2021 about Carlos Ghosn’s interview defending Greg Kelly on trial in Japan.

My AP Story May 23, 2021 about IOC’s Coates getting a backlash on his remark about the Olympics being held even in an emergency.

My AP Story May 21, 2021 when he made the remark.  

My AP Story May 20, 2021 about TV stars playing lovers really getting married.

My AP Story May 18, 2021 about Japan’s economy shrinking as pandemic dries up spending.

My AP Story May 14, 2021 on the petition demanding cancellation of the Olympics being submitted.

My AP Story May 12, 2021 on Greg Kelly testifying in his trial, saying he just worked for Nissan’s best interests.

My AP Story March 26, 2021 about how the Nissan-Renault rift is getting highlighted at the trial of former Nissan executive Greg Kelly.

My AP Story May 11, 2021 on Carlos Ghosn’s answers to prosecutors being read by the defense lawyer in the trial of former Nissan executive Greg Kelly.

My AP Story May 6, 2021 about a petition drive demanding the Olympics be canceled.

My AP Story May 3, 2021 about nurses dismayed by Tokyo Olympics’ request for help.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story May 19, 2021 about doctors asking to cancel the Games.

My AP Story May 6, 2021 on Nintendo profits booming as people staying home turn to games.

My AP Story May 1, 2021 on the torch relay detoured and other Tokyo Olympics developments.

My AP Story April 28, 2021 on June trial set in Japan for the Americans accused of helping Carlos Ghosn escape.

My AP Story April 27, 2021 on Toyota acquiring Lyft.

My AP Story April 14, 2021 on the president of Toshiba stepping down.

My AP Story April 13, 2021 on the late Nintendo president and his book.

My AP Story April 12, 2021 on Japan’s celebrating Hideki Matsuyama’s Masters win.

My AP Story April 15, 2021 about ruling party politicians expressing doubts about holding the Olympics.

My AP Story April 7, 2021 on Toshiba saying it had received a preliminary acquisition proposal.

My AP Story April 1, 2021 about the Bank of Japan survey showing optimism about a recovery.

My AP Story March 30, 2021 about how some medical experts aren’t convinced about holding the Olympics.

My AP Story March 21, 2021 on Hitachi acquiring GlobalLogic for $9.6 billion.

My AP Story March 24, 2021 on Toyota, Isuzu, Hino setting up tie-up in truck technology.

My AP Story March 23, 2021 on Japan spending billions on coronavirus tracking app for absent Olympic fans.

My AP Story March 22, 2021 about Japan charging two Americans in the escape of Carlos Ghosn.

My AP Photo and My AP Story March 5, 2021 and AP Interview with the chief defense lawyer for Greg Kelly on trial in Japan on charges related to Carlos Ghosn’s compensation.

My AP Photo and My AP Story March 4, 2021 about animation film “Demon Slayer” striking a chord with pandemic-era Japan.

My AP Story March 18, 2021 about the Tokyo Olympics being hit by another scandal over sexist comments.

My AP Story March 18, 2021 on Japan raising tariffs on U.S. beef after hitting import limit.

My AP Story March 12, 2021 on Japan’s post office tying up with Rakuten.

My AP Story March 2, 2021 explaining what might be ahead for the American father and son being extradited to Japan on suspicion of helping Carlos Ghosn skip bail and escape to Lebanon.

My AP Story March 1, 2021 on the prime minister’s PR chief resigning after lavish meal tied to broadcaster.

My AP Story Feb. 26, 2021 on Japan partially ending the state of emergency, while keeping it for the Tokyo area.

My AP Story Feb. 24, 2021 on Nissan’s former chief executive testifying in a criminal trial.

My AP Story Feb. 19, 2021 on Honda’s tapping a research expert as its new president.

My AP Story Feb. 14, 2021 on another protest in Tokyo against the military coup in Myanmar.

My AP Story Feb. 11, 2021 about thousands of people from Myanmar in Japan demanding democracy back home.

My AP Story Feb. 15, 2021 about Japan’s economy growing in the final quarter of 2020 in a gradual recovery from the pandemic slump.

My AP News Alert and Story Feb. 13 ~14, 2021 on the strong earthquake that hit northeastern Japan.

My AP Story Feb. 10, 2021 on Toyota’s earnings recovering from effects of the pandemic.

My AP Story Feb. 9, 2021 about Nissan staying in the red amid pandemic, Japan criminal trial.

My AP Story Feb. 9, 2021 on Honda’s profits rising despite pandemic damage.

My AP Story Feb. 8, 2021 on SoftBank’s profit zooming on lucrative investments.

My AP Story Feb. 8, 2021 is the Markets report for the day.

I’m a contributor to this AP Story Feb. 12, 2021, the day Mori is expected to officially resign.

I’m a contributor to this AP Story Feb. 4, 2021 about a Japanese Olympic official facing calls for resignation after a remark apparently belittling women.

My AP Story Feb. 3, 2021 on Sony’s profits booming on “Demon Slayer” hit.

My AP Story Feb. 1, 2021 on how Nintendo’s profits are soaring as people play games during the pandemic.

My AP Story Jan. 12, 2021 on the testimony of Nissan’s former COO on how the automaker sought to hide Carlos Ghosn’s pay.

My AP Story Jan. 7, 2021 on Japan declaring a state of emergency for Tokyo, and three nearby prefectures, after coronavirus cases surge.

My AP Story Jan. 8, 2021 on the first day for Japan under the state of emergency.

My AP Story Jan. 11, 2021 on the Japan material for The Latest on the virus.

My AP Story Jan. 10, 2021 on the Japan material for The Latest on the virus.

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2021 on the Japan material for The Latest on the coronavirus pandemic.

My AP Story Jan. 6, 2021 on coronavirus cases reaching a daily record in Tokyo.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2021, a co-byline with our AP Sports Writer, on pandemic worries looming as the countdown clock for the postponed Tokyo Olympics hits 200 days to go.

My AP Story Jan. 1, 2021 on the emperor turning to video for his New Year’s Day message.

My recent stories for The Associated Press


Below are my AP stories for 2019 and 2018.

Please go to this site for my AP stories for 2020.

Please CLICK on the headlines below to jump to the full stories:

My AP Story Dec. 14, 2019 with My AP Photos about how cries of abuse in the Catholic Church are starting to be heard in Japan.

My AP Story Dec. 19, 2019 on Toyota’s upgraded humanoid robot.

My AP Story Dec. 8, 2019 on historical documents showing Japan’s role in WWII sex slaves.

My AP Story Nov. 25, 2019 on Iwao Hakamada, a former boxer who spent 48 years in prison for murders he says he didn’t commit, taking part in Pope Francis’ Mass at the Tokyo Dome. 

In this photo provided by Mario Marazziti, Iwao Hakamada sits in his seat at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo as he waits for Pope Frances’ Holy Mass on Monday, Nov. 25, 2019. Hakamada, a former Japanese professional boxer who spent 48 years in prison for murders he says he did not commit was among some 50,000 people greeting Pope Francis as he entered Tokyo Dome stadium to celebrate Mass on Monday. (Mario Marazziti/Giovanna Ayako via AP)

My AP Story Oct. 28, 2019 on Japanese film director Nobuhiko Obayashi, I also did AP Photos.

My AP Story Nov. 19, 2019 on Toyota worker’s suicide ruled work-related after harassment.


My AP Story Oct. 9, 2019 on a Court hearing a case on paternity leave at a Japanese brokerage.


My AP Story Sept. 9, 2019 with My AP Photo on paternity harassment lawsuits in Japan highlighting plight of dads.

My AP Story Sept. 12, 2019 on the Asics case opening.

My AP Story Oct. 12, 2019 on the typhoon that hit Tokyo and surrounding areas.


My AP Story Oct. 15, 2019 on how Japan had not been prepared for the typhoon in a new era of climate change.


My AP Story Oct. 13, 2019 the day after the typhoon on the flooding and rescue efforts.


My AP Story Oct. 14, 2019, on the continued search for missing people. 

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Dec. 5, 2019, about a Japanese doctor killed in a shooting in Afghanistan. 

My Story Dec. 8, 2019, on his body coming home.

My AP Story Sept. 12, 2019 about Yahoo Japan making a tender offer for retailer Zozo at $3.7 billion.

My AP Story Aug. 5, 2019 on Japan’s NEC showing its “flying car.”

 It flew substantially longer than another flying car from Japan demonstrated in 2017: 



My AP Story Sept. 13, 2019 on Pope Francis’ visit to Japan and Thailand set for November.


My AP Story Aug. 19, 2019 on the history behind the worsening ties between South Korea and Japan, a collaboration with my Seoul colleague Kim Tong Hyung.

My AP Story Aug. 21, 2019 on the US Marines chief being worried about deteriorating Japan-Korea ties with My AP Photos.


My AP Story June 5, 2019 on how in #MeToo era a Japanese woman slams #KuToo heels dress code.  

My AP Story Aug. 20, 2019, on documents showing Japan’s wartime emperor had deep regrets.

My AP Story July 22, 2019 on Olympic robots.


My AP Story May 25, 2019 on how trade is a big issue during President Donald Trump’s state visit, but the deficit problem is worse with neighboring China. 

My AP Story July 1, 2019, co-bylined with my colleague in Seoul Hyung-jin Kim, on Japan’s restrictions on exports to South Korea. 

My AP Story May 21, 2019 on how Trump’s checking out sumo during his state visit is proving a head-ache. 



My AP Story April 1, 2019 on Toyota’s robot that can’t slam dunk but shoots  mean 3-pointer.  



My AP Story and My AP Photos May 13, 2019 on the U.S. Agriculture Secretary’s barbecue to sell Japan on buying American beef. 


My AP Story May 17, 2019 on a court case looking at the legality of Taiji dolphin killing, made famous in the Oscar-winning film “The Cove.” 

My AP Story May 29, 2019 about Japan’s aid to Bangladesh during leader’s visit.  

My coverage of Carlos Ghosn

My AP Story Dec. 31, 2019 on how Ghosn says he is in Lebanon and left Japan because of “injustice.”

My AP Story Nov. 22, 2019 on a court allowing Carlos Ghosn to talk with his wife Carole, whom he has not been able to talk or meet with for eight months.

My AP Story Oct. 24, 2019 on how Carlos Ghosn’s defense team is asking charges be dismissed, alleging widespread prosecutorial misconduct will endanger his getting a fair trial.

My AP Story Aug. 6, 2019 on how Mrs. Carole Ghosn is protesting the restrictions on communicating with her husband.

My AP Story April 17, 2019, in which I interview Mrs. Carole Ghosn. She says her husband is ready for a fight but she fears he may not get a fair trial.

My AP Story June 1, 2019, in which I interview Takashi Takano, a lawyer for Carlos Ghosn who criticized the bail conditions that prevent his client from seeing his wife as violating human rights.    

My AP Story Dec. 10, 2019, on Japanese regulators recommending a $22 million fine on Nissan.

My AP Story Dec. 2, 2019, on the new CEO Makoto Uchida stressing the importance of the Renault alliance.  

My AP Story Sept. 9, 2019 on Nissan’s Saikawa tendering his resignation after receiving dubious payments.  

My AP Story Oct. 8, 2019 on Nissan picking head of the China business as Saikawa’s replacement. 


My AP Story Sept. 5, 2019 about Nissan’s chief saying he got dubious payments but didn’t know.

My AP Story Oct. 23, 2019 on the Tokyo Motor Show, which had futuristic technology galore but Ghosn was gone.

My AP Story Sept. 3, 2019 on the new Tokyo chief prosecutor defending his office’s handling of Ghosn’s case.  

My AP Story July 25, 2019 on Nissan slashing 12,500 jobs as it reports dismal earnings. 

My AP Story July 24 2019 on Nissan directors on governance promising reforms but say job cuts are also coming. 


My AP Story June 7, 2019, about how Nissan had no say but had the technology that drove the merger talks between Renault and Fiat Chrysler. 

My AP Story June 5, 2019, about how the merger talks had left Nissan out in the cold. 

My AP Story Oct. 24, 2019 about Nissan, eager to put Ghosn scandal behind it, shows technology.

My AP Story June 10, 2019 about my visit to the Tokyo Detention House, where Ghosn was held for 130 days.


My AP Story June 25, 2019 on Nissan’s shareholders meeting where they approve governance steps and keep Saikawa on its board. 

My AP Story June 12, 2019 on how proxy companies are advising Nissan shareholders against approving the reappointment of Hiroto Saikawa as a board director.

My AP Story May 29, 2019 on Renault talking with Nissan about the Fiat Chrysler merger proposal.  


My AP Story June 20, 2019 about Mitsubishi Motors shareholders approving the ouster of Ghosn.



My AP Story May 13, 2019 A takeout on Nissan without Ghosn.


My AP Story May 14, 2019 on Nissan’s earnings results, slammed by Ghosn’s arrest. 

My AP Story April 25, 2019, in which a court approves Ghosn’s release on bail for his rearrest, and Ghosn walks out of detention.


My AP Story April 9, 2019 on Carlos Ghosn’s video statement in which he says a “conspiracy” at Nissan led to his arrest.



My AP Story May 17, 2019 about Nissan proposing new board members including Renault’s Bollore.

My AP Story May 9, 2019 on court denying appeal on restrictions about Ghosn’s contact with his wife. 



My AP Story April 4, 2019 about the rearrest of Carlos Ghosn on fresh allegations despite his release on bail.



My AP Story April 24, 2019 on Nissan slashing profit forecast on Ghosn fallout. 

My AP Story April 8, 2019 on Nissan shareholders approving Ghosn’s outster from the company board.

My AP Story April 10, 2019 on Ghosn’s lawyers appealing to the Supreme Court over the latest detention.


My AP Story April 11, 2019 about his wife getting questioned in a Tokyo court.

My AP Story April 7, 2019 on his lawyer clarifying the conditions for his initial release on bail.

My AP Story April 12, 2019 about his detention being approved through April 22.

My AP Story April 5, 2019 about his detention being approved through April 14.

My AP Story April 3, 2019 about Carlos Ghosn saying he will hold a news conference April 11,  noting he is ready to tell the truth about what’s happening.

My AP Story March 27, 2019, on Nissan’s governance committee that says Ghosn had too much power.

My AP Story March 12, 2019 on how Renault, Nissan, Mitsubishi, with Ghosn gone, is forming a new alliance board.

My AP Story March 11, 2019 on a Tokyo court rejecting Ghosn’s request to go to a Nissan board meeting.

My AP Story March 8, 2019 on lawyer apologizing for Ghosn’s ‘disguise’ during his release.

My AP Story March 7, 2019 on the Japan reaction to Ghosn’s release.

My AP Story March 6, 2019 on Ghosn released from detention after more than 100 days.

My AP Story March 5, 2019 on the back and forth on the bail release.

My AP Story March 4, 2019 on Ghosn’s new lawyer Junichiro Hironaka hoping to gain release on bail.

My AP Story Feb. 13, 2019 on Carlos Ghosn tapping a lawyer famous for acquittals for his defense, replacing his previous attorney, a former prosecutor . 

My AP Story Feb. 15, 2019 on Ghosn’s new power defense: The high-profile cases by Junichiro Hironaka. Yoichi Kitamura, the attorney for Greg Kelly, who was arrested with Ghosn, was also on the defense team of Ichiro Ozawa, one of Hironaka’s acquittal wins.

My AP Story Feb. 28, 2019 on Ghosn’s new lawyers requesting release on bail. 


My reporting on Mr. Hironaka’s news conference April 2, 2019 is the bottom part of this AP Story out of Paris.


My AP Story Jan. 21, 2019 on Carlos Ghosn requesting bail and promising to live in Japan, wear an ankle tether and hire security, while asserting his innocence.

My AP Story Jan. 22, 2019 on bail being denied.

My AP Story Nov. 19, 2018 on the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, who led Nissan for nearly two decades. The arrest was on allegations he falsified his income reporting.

My AP Story Jan. 8, 2019, on Carlos Ghosn appearing in court to assert his innocence and question his detention nearly two months after his arrest.

Habeas corpus? In Japan, “hostage justice” My AP Story Dec. 23, 2018.

I am a contributor to this AP Story Feb. 8, 2019, with comments from Ghosn’s lawyer and spokeswoman about his Versailles wedding: Ghosn paid for all expenses, didn’t know the rental would be charged to Renault and offers to reimburse Renault.

Nissan CEO at the news conference in Yokohama headquarters. Photo by Shuji Kajiyama.

A COUP OR NOT A COUP? THAT IS THE QUESTION: My AP Story Dec. 13, 2018 on how the arrest of Nissan star Ghosn is raising such speculation

My AP Story Jan. 11, 2019 on Carlos Ghosn being charged with breach of trust, making his release unlikely for months to come.

My AP Story Jan. 18, 2019, on Mitsubishi Motors board considering new allegations against Ghosn.

My feet visible in the media huddle.

My AP Story Jan. 15, 2019, on Carlos Ghosn’s request for release on bail denied.

My AP Story Jan. 14, 2019 on how Carlos Ghosn’s wife slams detention as “draconian” in a letter.

My AP Story Jan. 11, 2019 on Carlos Ghosn coming down a fever and his wife issuing a statement.

My AP Story Dec. 5, 2018. I interview the Brazilian consul general in Tokyo, who says Carlos Ghosn is holding up, not worried about his plight and just asked he bring him thrillers next time, not the philosophy and history books he’d brought.

My AP Story Nov. 30, 2018 on the lawyer for the executive arrested with Ghosn, Greg Kelly, who says his client is innocent and abided by law and company policy.

My AP Story Dec. 31, 2018 about the court extending Ghosn’s detention by 10 days through Jan. 11.

The Tokyo Detention Center

My AP Story Dec. 3, 2018 on how Ghosn’s case highlights corporate governance failings in Japan

My AP Story Nov. 22, 2018 on Nissan’s board meeting voting unanimously to dismiss Ghosn as chairman.

My AP Story Nov. 27, 2018 on East-West auto alliances.

My AP Story Feb. 5, 2019 on Nissan board tapping Renault’s Senard and setting extraordinary shareholder’s meeting. 

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2019 on Nikkei’s interview with Ghosn in detention, quoting him as saying a “plot and treason” led to his arrest.

My AP Story Dec. 17, 2018 on how Nissan decides not to name a new chairman as a replacement for the ousted Ghosn.

My AP Story Nov. 26, 2018 on Mitsubishi Motors firing Ghosn as chairman.

My AP Story Dec. 10, 2018, on Ghosn getting charged by Tokyo prosecutors.

My AP Story Dec. 12, 2018 about Greg Kelly’s lawyers protesting prolonged detention

My AP Story Dec. 11, 2018 about Ghosn’s detention being extended through Dec. 20

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2019 on Nissan’s unveiling the new Leaf electric car after Ghosn’s arrest delayed it.

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2019 on Tokyo court turning down Ghosn’s appeal of long detention.

My AP Story Dec. 7, 2018, on Nissan disclosing more dubious inspections.

My AP Story Jan. 12, 2019, on Jose Munoz resigning from Nissan, the first high-profile departure publicly acknowledged as related to Ghosn’s arrest.

My AP Story Jan. 5, 2019 on a Nissan executive going on leave for tasks related to Ghosn’s arrest.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2019 about global auto sales for Toyota, Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi versus Volkswagen.

More recent stories:


My AP Story June 5, 2019, about Mark Karpeles starting a blockchain business while fighting for exoneration.  


My AP Story March 29, 2019 about Mark Karpeles, former head of bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, appealing the ruling.

My AP Story March 15, 2019 about Karpeles’ getting a suspended sentence, avoiding jail time, on data manipulation but cleared of other charges.



My AP Story May 9, 2019 about Toyota and Panasonic combining their housing businesses in Japan.

My AP Story March 9, 2019 about Guinness naming Japanese woman as oldest person at 116.

My story about architect Arata Isozaki awarded the Pritzker


My AP Story March 6, 2019 on Isozaki being honored with architecture’s highest award.

My coverage of Shinya Tsukamoto, a legendary filmmaker

My AP Story on Shinya Tsukamoto’s new film “Killing,” inspired by the masters, horror of violence

And My AP Interview with the director Shinya Tsukamoto from last year.

My coverage of Okinawa and Gov. Denny Tamaki

My AP Story March 1, 2019 when Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki talks about his meeting with the prime minister on the referendum that rejected the Henoko relocation plan.

Denny Tamaki

My AP Interview with Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki Oct. 31, 2018.

My AP Story Feb. 25, 2019 on the referendum on the U.S. base plan.

My AP Story Feb. 24, 2019 on the referendum on the U.S. base plan. 

Denny Tamaki

My AP Story Oct. 1, 2018 when Denny Tamaki, critic of U.S. bases on Okinawa, won the election

My AP Story Oct. 2, 2018 on how the new Okinawa chief embodies the complexity of Japan’s U.S. bases

My reporting on the Mayweather exhibition fight in Japan

My AP Story Dec. 31, 2018, on how Mayweather stopped Nasukawa in the first round, flooring him three times.

My AP Story Dec. 29, 2018 when Mayweather arrives at last for the fight.

My AP Story Dec. 18, 2018 on how opponent Tenshin Nasukawa is looking for a real fight.

My AP Story on how the fight is on again Nov. 18, 2018.

My AP Stories on Naomi Osaka

My AP Story Jan. 24, 2019 on how Nissin drops Osaka ad after complaints but star remains focused on the game.

Naomi Osaka and Citizen

Naomi Osaka headed for big money with Japan, global appeal

Naomi Osaka and Nissan

The latest in my Godzilla coverage


My AP Story and My AP Photo on Godzilla Oct. 31, 2018.

More recent stories:

Japan’s minister of cybersecurity has never used computer. My AP Story Nov. 15, 2018.

My AP Story July 26, 2019 on SoftBank announcing $108 billion Vision Fund 2.

Japan’s SoftBank invests in US office space-sharing WeWork. My AP Story Nov. 15, 2018.

SoftBank mobile unit to go for IPO raising some $20 billion, My AP Story Nov. 12, 2018.

Japanese Actor Koji Yakusho says his is a solitary craft in My AP Story Sept. 29, 2018.


SoftBank decries journalist’s death, defends Saudi fund

princess wedding

My AP Story Oct. 29, 2018 about a princess marrying a “salaryman”


My AP Story Oct. 28, 2018 about India’s prime minister visiting Japan

philip morris 2

philip morris

My AP Story Oct. 23, 2018 about Philip Morris in Japan

My coverage of the move from Tsukiji to Toyosu

AP Photo by Eugene Hoshiko

My AP Story Oct. 11, 2018

New fish market opens with tradition: the tuna auction

AP Photo by Eugene Hoshiko


A related AP story Oct. 5, 2018

Famed Tsukiji fish market uneasy over move to new site

AP Photo by Eugene Hoshiko

My AP Story and My AP Photo Oct. 16, 2018.

Official: Move of Japan fish market could have been better

My coverage of the Zozo CEO and his trip to the moon on Elon Musk’s rocket


My AP Story Oct. 9, 2018

Japanese tycoon going on SpaceX rocket says he trusts Elon Musk

And My AP Story with more background on MZ when he first announced the moon trip Sept. 19, 2018

SpaceX’s first traveler is moonstruck Japanese fashion tycoon

My visit to a nursery school that uses digital technology in their program


My Story Sept. 26, 2018

Japan preschool using tablets to prep tots for digital age

prschool 2


My AP Story Feb. 1, 2019, on Nintendo seeking growth outside games.

My AP Story Jan. 22, 2019.

Toyota, Panasonic announce venture for green car batteries.

My AP Story March 28, 2019 on Honda and Hino joining the mobility service venture.

My AP Story Oct. 4, 2018

Toyota, SoftBank setting up mobility services joint venture

My AP Story Sept. 19, 2018

Will flying cars take off? Japan’s government hopes so

My AP Story Aug. 24, 2018

AP Interview: Japan official says Trump misunderstands trade

3D mapping

My AP Story June 14, 2018

Japan banks on 3D mapping deemed crucial for driverless cars


My AP Story June 8


As trade fears grow, US states reach out to companies



My AP Story June 7, 2018

Dad takes Japan Inc. to court alleging paternity harassment

My AP Story April 26, 2018


Nintendo taps new president; profit improves on Switch sales

My AP Story April 20, 2018


Woman’s win of nursing home money a rarity in aging Japan

My AP Story April 12, 2018

Takata acquired by Key Safety Systems, president resigns

Isao Takahata

My AP Story April 6, 2018

Studio Ghibli co-founder, director Isao Takahata dies at 82

My AP Story March 28, 2018

Japan embracing cryptocurrencies despite big theft cases

My AP Story March 23, 2018

Nissan not changing autonomous drive tests over Uber crash

My AP Story March 3, 2018

Kobe Steel chief steps down over massive fake data scandal


My AP Story Feb. 11, 2018

Esports officially arrives in Japan, home of game giants

My AP Story Feb. 2, 2018

Sony taps CFO as new president, replacing Hirai


SFJAZZ with drums
Photo by Annette Borromeo Dorfman

I’m invited to speak at the Asian American Journalists Association annual convention in San Francisco.
The theme of my presentation is what a reporter does outside journalism _ in my case, the spoken word.
For once, I will be a poet and a journalist at once.
I have been a reporter at The Associated Press for nearly 25 years.
That’s a big chunk of my life.
I was a published poet long before I joined AP; I was writing poetry from my childhood.
I have kept those two sides of myself separate, not only because AP reporters must be objective and neutral, but more because I wanted to protect that delicate part of me that allows me to be a poet.
For a long time, I saw my true self as a poet and my role as a reporter as a job.
I wanted to write, and it is one way to get paid for writing.
But I believe in journalism.
I have learned over the years that there are key things journalism can accomplish that no literature can.
And that I am one and the same person.

Associated Press Correspondent Yuri Kageyama was a poet before she even thought about becoming a journalist. For years, she assumed the two areas of her writing were separate — one intensely personal, the other professional. Sometimes she struggled to simply find time to write poetry. But over the years, she has remained a poet, perhaps first and foremost a poet. Yuri speaks about reporting and reconciliation: how the Fukushima nuclear disaster really helped tie her dual passions together. And with her Yuricane spoken-word band, she will show that in action.

My YURICANE band features Melvin Gibbs (bass), Hide Asada (guitar) and Hirokazu Suyama Jackson (drums amd tab;a).

The Hyatt Regency hotel Pacific N Room (5 Embarcadero Center in San Francisco)

FRI Aug. 14, 2015. 11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

MORE: Yuri Kageyama is a poet, journalist and filmmaker. She leads her spoken-word band The Yuricane. Her performance piece will open at La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York in September. A reporter at The Associated Press. A magna cum laude graduate of Cornell. M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley. Here are some of her works at The AP.

Please contact me through here for more information or to be on my guest list.

Politics and Toyota

A couple of our reporters were out this week and so I got to do politics stories for a change.
It’s an exciting time to be covering politics in Japan because the ruling Liberal Democrats have suffered their biggest defeat probably in the history of their party, which has ruled Japan virtually all the time for more than 50 years.
The Liberal Democrats are credited with orchestrating Japan’s modernization and reconstruction after World War II.
But Japan and its voters are changing.
Many young people, usually associated with total disinterest in politics, voted for the opposition in the latest election.
Analysts say the candidates for the opposition have never been better.
And they may be finally giving Japanese voters a chance for a real alternative to the Liberal Democrats.
It’s fun to send alerts.
It gets your adrenaline going.
And it’s a bit frightening.
But it’s always a moment I look back on (during a weekend, say, like today) as one reason why reporting is so much fun.
Our bureau got to do that earlier this week because the agriculture minister stepped down to take responsibility for the election defeat.
Now the question is if/when will the prime minister resign/reshuffle the Cabinet/dissolve the lower house of Parliament.
I also did my usual job covering business on Toyota’s earnings.
Toyota posted a 32 percent rise in profit for the first fiscal quarter.
Another time for an alert.