Publications (Bibliography)

Portrait by Annette Borromeo Dorfman

A Bibliography of books, poetry, performance pieces, films and other works by YURI KAGEYAMA:


“CONTINUOUSLY POETRY,” a collaboration with Osaki Haniya, set for a collaborative publication 2025. 

_ “THE PLAGUE EDITION OF KONCH MAGAZINE,” edited by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed, Ishmael Reed Publishing Co., 2024, featuring 62 contributions from around the world.        
_ “THE VERY SPECIAL DAY,” Tokyo Flower Children, 2016, illustrated by Munenori Tamagawa.
_ “PEELING,” I. Reed Books, 1988.

_ Yuri Kageyama is the author of “NEWS FROM FUKUSHIMA: Meditation on an Under-Reported Catastrophe by a Poet,” a multimedia performance piece of the spoken word, dance, music and film, directed by Carla Blank. It was performed at Z Space in San Francisco July 8-9, 2017, by actors/dancers Takemi Kitamura, Monisha Shiva and Shigeko Sara Suga, musicians Stomu Takeishi, Isaku Kageyama, Kouzan Kikuchi and Joe Small, with lighting by Blu and video by Yoshiaki Tago. The work had a debut run at La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York in 2015, in which Melvin Gibbs directed the music and played bass.

THE FILM VERSION OF ‘NEWS FROM FUKUSHIMA,’ DIRECTED BY YOSHIAKI TAGO, October 2018. (more information at the link)

THE VERY SPECIAL DAY is a stop motion animation short film by stop motion artist Hayatto (August 2019) of a story written and read by Yuri Kageyama. (more information at the link)


_ “CONTINUOUSLY POETRY,” a collaboration book with Osaki Haniya, set for a collaborative publication 2025. 

_ “Fearless At 90” and “The Broken Frame” in Ishmael Reed’s KONCH Winter 2024.  

_ “The Afterlife” and “Asylum” in LIFE AND LEGENDS Twelfth Edition, July 2022.

_ “MAGIC 50 COVID19 POEMS” by Sandile Ngidi and Yuri Kageyama (Aug. 31, 2020 ~ April 5, 2021) published in KONCH literary magazine Spring/Summer 2021 issue, edited and published by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed.

_ “Virus Diary,” a journal of poetry, music and other thoughts kept from April through May 2020 about the post-pandemic world. KONCH literary magazine’s Special Virus issue June 2020, edited and published by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed. Published in book form in 2024 (also in this site’s Prose and Books sections). 

_ “An ode to the Asian Uncle Tom_ A Yuricane poem (or does power always turn evil?)” KONCH, edited and published by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed, Summer 2018 issue.

_ “ode to the stroller” in TOKYO POETRY JOURNAL Vol. 5, Japan and the Beats, January 2018, edited by Taylor Mignon.

_ “Hands of a Clock,” and “A Crow’s Request,” KONCH, edited and published by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed, January 2016.

_ “A poem for Kenji Goto, a Journalist, Feb. 1, 2015” and “Yasunari Kawabata’s Room,” TOKYO POETRY JOURNAL, Vol. 1, editor-in-chief Taylor Mignon, editor emeritus Barbara Summerhawk, co-editor Jeffrey Johnson, November 2015.

_ “Haiku for Homeless,” “Cheap Perfume” and “The Sociology of Hanami (Flower Gazing),” MINUS TIDES INTERNATIONAL _ the Respect and Honor Satire issue, edited by Hillel Wright, June 2015.

_ “ode to the stroller” featured in the PUBLIC POETRY SERIES, February 2015, read by Hirokazu Suyama and filmed by Adam Lewis.


_ “blank spaces over generations,” “The Crooked Smile” and “Why the Japanese Love Michael Jackson” in POETRY KANTO 2014 published and edited by Alan Botsford, December 2014.

_ “No Gift of the Magi” a finalist winner in CULTURAL WEEKLY’S first poetry contest, published in the Nov. 13, 2013 edition. A film by Adam Lewis of her reading the poem with bass by Hiroshi Tokieda was featured by CULTURAL WEEKLY online.

_ “Dec. 12, 2012, The Very Special Day: A Prose Poem,” KONCH MAGAZINE, October 2013. Click HERE for the piece.

_ “ode to the stroller” and “Little YELLOW Slut” video reading with Hirokazu Suyama, Hiroshi Tokieda and Yuuichiro Ishii at Tokyo Woodstock as part of the Spoken Word on online site POET’S LANE, September 2013.

_ “Three Haiku,” SUNRISE FROM BLUE THUNDER _ JAPAN, EARTHQUAKE-TSUNAMI, MARCH 2011 (a fund-raising project for Japan relief efforts), Pirene’s Fountain: October 2011.

_ “ways of saying yes in Japanese,” “Haiku for Van Gogh,” PIRENE’S FOUNTAIN, 2011 Fall/Winter.

_ “for women only,” PHATI’TUDE Literary Magazine Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2011, SPRING HAS RETURNED A Season of Renewal.

_ “becky nao,” DISCOVER NIKKEI, August 2011.

_ “Little Yellow Slut,” KONCH, Summer 2009.

_ “Poetic Gamesmanship,” “Fox Spirits: Upon Visiting the Toyokawa Inari Shrine,” “Homecoming II,” OTHER SIDE RIVER, Stone Bridge Press, 1995.

_ “Poetic Gamesmanship,” “Ichikawa Ennosuke III, Kabuki Actor,” “Fox Spirits: Upon Visiting the Toyokawa Inari Shrine,” KONCH No. 4, Fall 1991.

_ “To an Ex-Lover,” Kyoto Review, 1987 Spring issue.

_ “haikus,” COYDOG REVIEW, No. 1, 1985.

_ “Selfish Martyrdom,” YELLOW SILK, Issue 11, Summer 1984.

_ “Love Poem,” “A Day in a Long Hot Summer,” “Disco Chinatown,” “Strings/Himo,” “My Mother Takes a Bath,” BREAKING SILENCE: AN ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY ASIAN AMERICAN POETS, The Greenfield Review Press, 1983.

_ “Cecil Taylor,” ORO MADRE, Vol. 2, No. 1 Issue #5, 1983.

_ “Selfish Martyrdom Series/ Number One,” BRIDGE: ASIAN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 1983.

_ “Love Poems for Isaku: II,” RIVER STYX, No. 12, 1982.

_ “Thought Speak V/ music versus music,” RIVER STYX, No. 10, 1982.

_ “MUSIC Makes Love to Me,” YELLOW SILK, Issue 3, Spring 1982.

_ “An Old Folk Song,” ASIAN JOURNAL, Spring 1982.

_ “Stages,” ASIAN JOURNAL, Spring 1981.

_ “The Gardener Boy,” SUISUN VALLEY REVIEW, Spring 1981.

_ “Thought Speak,” ALLY, A POETRY JOURNAL, 1981.

_ “Caution,” RIVER STYX, No. 8, 1981.

_ “Disco Chinatown,” SOUP, 1981.

_ “My Mother Takes a Bath,” THE GREENFIELD REVIEW, The Greenfield Review Press, 1980.

_ “Cooking Poem, ASIAN JOURNAL, Spring 1980.

_ “Waitressing,” SUNBURY 9, 1980.

_ “Love Poem III,” CANVASS, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1980.

_ “Loving Younger Men,” BEYOND RICE, A BROADSIDE SERIES, Mango Publications and NOLO Press, 1979.

_ “For All You Brothers Out There,” BRIDGE: AN ASIAN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE, Vol. 6, No. 4, Winter 1978-1979.

_ “Your Jacket,” WOMEN TALKING WOMEN LISTENING, Vol. 3, 1977.

_ “A Song for the Big White Bitch,” Y’BIRD MAGAZINE, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977-1978.

PROSE (short stories and essays)

_ Diary entries kept during the coronavirus pandemic in “THE PLAGUE EDITION OF KONCH MAGAZINE,” edited by Ishmael Reed and Tennessee Reed, Ishmael Reed Publishing Co., 2024, featuring 62 contributions from around the world.   

_ “Why Butterfly Should Stop Committing Literary Hara-kiri,” BIGOTRY ON BROADWAY, Baraka Books, September 2021.

_ “My Sister and The Kite” in Life and Legends, 10th Edition, edited and published by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis, June 2021.

_ “Why the Japanese Love Michael Jackson” in Poetry Kanto 2014, edited and published by Alan Botsford, December 2014.

_ “Borderless Poetics: Taiko Meets Jazz at My Book Party,” JAZZ ADVANCE, Sept. 9, 2011.

_ “Amanojaku: Taiko as Modern Music,” JAZZ ADVANCE, August 1, 2011.

_ “A Letter to Isaku,” KONCH Spring/Summer 2011.


_ “Catching the Rush-Hour Train _ Sketches of Life in Japan,” MULTIAMERICA: ESSAYS ON CULTURAL WARS AND CULTURAL PEACE,” 1997.

_ “Seeds of Betrayal,” ON A BED OF RICE: AN ASIAN AMERICAN EROTIC FEAST, Anchor Books, 1995.

_ “Eros,” TOUCHING FIRE: EROTIC WRITINGS BY WOMEN,” Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1989.

_ “Asian American Art Story,” THE STORIES WE HOLD SECRET: TALES OF WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, The Greenfield Review Press, 1986.

_ “Haha No Hanashi (My Mother’s Stories 2),” COYDOG REVIEW, No. 1, 1985.

_ “Oya Baka Notes” (column), HOKUBEI MAINICHI, 1982-1985.

_ “Thoughts on our Yellow Light,’’ POETRY FLASH No. 153, December 1985.

_ “Having Babies Vs. Having Sex” YELLOW SILK, Issue 11, Summer 1984.

_ “The Nunnery,” FLEXUS: WEST COAST WOMEN’S PRESS, Vol. 11, No. 7, October 1984.

_ “Shizuka _ A Love Story,” BRIDGE: ASIAN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1984.

_ “Northwest Women of Color,” SOJOURNER: THE WOMEN’S FORUM, December 1984.

_ “Eros,” YELLOW SILK, Issue 9, Winter 1983.

_ “The Japanese American Set Up,” ASIAN JOURNAL, Vol. 7, 1983.

_ “Yoko and the Trumpet Player,” TIME CAPSULE, Fall/Winter 1982.

_ “The Nunnery,” BEYOND BAROQUE, Vo. 12, No. 1, Spring 1981.

_ “Hisaye Yamamoto _ Nisei Writer,” SUNBURY 10, 1981.

_ “Tule Lake by Edward Miyakawa,” AMERASIA JOURNAL, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fall/Winter 1980.

_ “The Suicide,” SAN FRANCISCO STORIES, 1979.



_ Tokyo Correspondence: Notes from a Writer Beyond the Headlines, written from 2007 to 2011 until this web page was set up.  


_ “Talking Taiko” (March 2010), directed, shot and edited by Yoshiaki Tago, a  documentation of Kageyama’s readings and thoughts on her art.

_ Luis Silva, Adam Lewis, Rebecca MacNiece, Ian Thomas Ash and Shiho Kataoka have also filmed Kageyama’s poetry readings.

_ “I Will Bleed” and “Story of Miu” _ two shorts Kageyama wrote, directed, shot and edited while studying at the New York Film Academy in 2014.


_ “NOTHING HAPPENS,” written and read by Yuri Kageyama with Hideyuki Asada (guitar, arrangement and audio mastering) featuring Tea (vocals), Hiroshi Tokieda (bass) and Takuma Anzai (drums), June 2023. 

_ “NOTHING HAPPENS,” a collaboration with Sergio Ferrer, July 2022. 

_ “I WILL BLEED,” a song for which she co-wrote the lyrics was a finalist winner in the U.K. Songwriting Contest in December 2015, with music composed by Tea and Hiroshi Tokieda. That song and “Oh My Buddha,” which she also co-wrote with Tea and Hiroshi Tokieda, are part of the 2017 Interstellar album, by Tea, a Berklee-educated singer from India.

FEATURED (on the radio, interviews and other mentions):

_ Referenced in Carla Blank’s collection of essays in “A Jew in Ramallah and Other Essays,” Baraka Books, 2024. 

_ Music Matters Podcast with Darrell Craig Harris, including a collaborative reading with Harris on bass of Kageyama’s poem “News From Fukushima,” 2021. Also on YouTube.   

_ Talk with Ishmael Reed and Carla Blank on Fukushima in KONCH, Spring 2020. 

_ “The Many Lives of Yuri Kageyama,” by Tim Hornyak in No. 1 Shimbun, February 2016.

_ Interview by Blogos about The Associated Press, Dec. 4, 2012, posted online March 30, 2022 by Livedoor.

_ “Spotlight on Jazz and Poetry” online radio show, with Isaku Kageyama, June 24-July 7, 2012. hosted by Clayton Corley, Sr. in Philadelphia, Pa. Liner Notes HERE.

_ Interview in “Word Riot,” by David Hoenigman, 2011.


_ NIHON NO KAISHA E TSUKAI KENKAJO, co-authored with Hamao Yokota, OS Shuppan, 1993.
_ “My Mother Takes a Bath,” “Love Poem,” translated by Yo Nakayama, NIKKEI AMERICA CANADA SHISHU, Doyo Bijutsusha, 1985.


_ Voluntary research and translation help for the book, FUKUSHIMA: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster, by David Lochbaum, Edwin Lyman, Susan Q. Stranahan and the Union of Concerned Scientists, New York/London: The New Press, 2014. The Japanese translation of the book was published by Iwanami Shoten Publisher, in 2015.
_ Words by dancer Suzushi Hanayagi for Robert Wilson’s “KOOL _ Dancing in My Mind,” 2009.
_ “Suddenly Mute,” by Kenzaburo Oe, NADIR magazine, 1987.
_ “February Cat,” “A Lot of Fun to Do,” “Probably a Toilet,” by Hiromi Ito, YELLOW SILK, Issue 11, Summer 1984.