Haiku for Disco _ a poem by Yuri Kageyama

Haiku for Disco _ a poem by Yuri Kageyama

Too Tired, Brain Is Dead
Chukah Thomp, Chukah Thomp, Chukah Thomp,
Disco Is Music.

Some people who know a lot about music look down upon disco because of its simple repetitive rhythm and how the genre has played in to the evil money-making music industry machinery (although other genres have done this, too). What is being overlooked is that this simple repetitive rhythm, which gets people off their seats and out on the dance floor, speaks to people who work hard all day and need to forget, can’t think, but want to groove _ not those academics who want to sit around, focus on more intelligent music to analyze, contemplate and articulate. Call it dumb. Call it what you will. Call it the primordial beat. I am alive. That is what disco music says. And that is the most important thing any music, any art, any writing can say.

(video from Jimmy Clary, via Hiroyuki Shido)

A Taiko Quizz

A quizz for taiko-drummers from Isaku Kageyama (found on the Amanojaku Hozonkai Web page):


意気揚々とやぐらに上がったが、途中で音が取れなくなってしまい、焦る気持ちとは裏腹にどんどんズレていく。 踊り手がこちらを見ている! ヤバイ!

カッコよく盆太鼓が打てるように8月2日、9日は滝野川で17:00-21:30まで盆踊りの稽古をします。 稽古では次のポイントなどをやりますので奮ってご参加ください。

1. 炭坑節が裏に返るところは?

A) Aメロの4小節目 B)Bメロの4小節目 C)炭坑節は裏に返らない D)炭坑節って何だっけ?

2. 八木節の1バースは何小節?

A) 8小節 B)12小節 C)16小節 D)八木節は小説とかそう言う問題ではない

3. 郡上踊りのテンポは?

A) 55bpm B)65bpm C)75bpm D)85bpm

4. 相馬盆唄や北海盆唄など「盆唄」のテンポは大体95bpm。 これは洋楽のどのジャンルと一緒?

A) ロック B)ジャズ C)R&B/ヒップホップ D)レゲェ
