My AP Stories for 2024

My AP Stories for 2024

Link to My AP Stories for 2023 and previous years

And here goes for 2024, a year that I start out as a Winner for The Associated Press Best of the Week for my quake coverage.

My AP Story July 12, 2024 in which I get close to Kabuki superstar Danjuro.

My AP Story July 3, 2024 on the new bills.

My AP Story and My AP Photos June 28, 2024 on what will become of the old Tsukiji fish market area.

My AP Story June 23, 2024 on the rice ball.

And I make my debut as AP’s recipe writer with My AP Story June 23, 2024.

My AP Obit June 19, 2024 on Japan’s “beat” poet Kazuko Shiraishi.

My AP Story June 19, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story June 18, 2024 on the Toyota shareholders’ meeting.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story June 15, 2024 about the price of orange juice.

My AP Story June 12, 2024, an obituary on architect Fumihiko Maki.

My AP Story June 10, 2024 on Japan’s economy.

My AP Story June 16, 2024 on Toyota facing some unhappy shareholders.

My AP Story June 3, 2024 on Toyota apologizing for faulty tests on cars.

My AP Story May 30, 2024 in which I interview George Takei.

My AP Story translated into Spanish.

My AP Story May 29, 2024 on a working group under the U.N. issuing a report on human rights abuses in Japan.

My AP Story May 28, 2024 on Toyota’s talking about the ecological engine in the works.

My AP Story May 23, 2024 on Sony’s strategy centering around its creative businesses.

My AP Story May 22, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story May 19, 2024 on the bear attacks.

My AP Story May 16, 2024 on Honda’s EV strategy.

My AP Story May 16, 2024 on the economy.

My AP Story May 5, 2024, an obituary on Juro Kara.

My AP Story April 29, 2024 about a 1990’s TV reality show.

My AP Story April 25, 2024 on ramen noodles.

My AP Sidebar Story on an easy ramen recipe with My AP Photos.

My AP Story May 14, 2024 on Sony’s earnings.

My AP Story May 13, 2024 on SoftBank Group in the red for the fiscal year.

My AP Story May 10, 2024 on Sega Sammy selling a resort to a U.S. fund.

My AP Story May 8, 2024 on Toyota’s booming profit and investment for future growth.

My AP Story May 7, 2024 on Nintendo promising an announcement on a Switch successor.

My AP Story May 3, 2024 on Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel.

My AP Story April 22, 2024 on Japan’s antitrust body telling Google not to undermine competition.

My AP Story April 19, 2024 on a damages lawsuit filed by Japanese doctors against Google.

My AP Story April 17, 2024 on Japan’s March trade data.

My AP Story and My AP Photos April 16, 2024 on Nissan’s EV ambitions.

My AP Story and My AP Photo April 15, 2024 on a lawsuit accusing Japanese police of racial profiling.

My AP Story March 29, 2024 on “Oppenheimer” opening in Japan.

My AP Story April 6, 2024 on the Japanese prime minister’s visit to a semiconductor plant.

My AP Story April 1, 2024 on the Bank of Japan “tankan” survey.

My AP Story March 29, 2024 on the news conference by Japan’s prime minister.

My AP Story March 27, 2024 when I interview the designer of the Godzilla shoes.

My AP Story March 26, 2024 on Markets.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story March 25, 2024 about North Korea saying Japan seeks summit.

My AP Story March 25, 2024 about Nissan’s aggressive electric vehicle push.

My AP Story March 21, 2024 on Japan’s trade data.

My AP Story March 19, 2024 on the Bank of Japan ending its negative interest rate policy.

My AP Story May 9, 2024 on Nissan’s earnings for the fiscal year.

My AP Story March 15, 2024 on Nissan and Honda working together on electrification and intelligence technology.

Watch the Video here.

My AP Story March 13, 2024 on the failed rocket launch by Space One.

My AP Story March 12, 2024 on Hayao Miayazaki and Japan’s Oscar wins.

My AP Story March 8, 2024 about Kyoto’s geisha district fighting over-tourism with keep-out signs.

My AP Story Feb. 25, 2024 on the opening of a semiconductor plant.

My AP Story Feb. 20, 2024, an obit on the founder of the Daiso 100-yen shop chain.

My AP Story Feb. 9, 2024 in which I interview Mika Ninagawa, and do Photos and Video.

My AP Story Feb. 3, 2024 on the Japanese Embassy’s message about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2024 about a pig cafe.

My AP Story Jan. 31, 2024 on the Olympic trial, where the defendant denies the payments were bribes.

My AP Story and My AP Photos Jan. 29, 2024 on a lawsuit demanding a stop to “racial profiling.”

My AP Story Feb. 13. 2024 on a new president at a Toyota subsidiary fighting a scandal.

My AP Story Jan. 30, 2024 on Toyota’s Akio Toyoda stressing a global vision.

My AP Story Jan. 29, 2024 on Toyota apologizing for cheating on testing _ again.

My AP Story and My AP Photo Jan. 23, 2024 on a film that documents how single moms are poor.

My AP Story Feb. 15, 2024 about Japan, now the world’s fourth largest economy.

My AP Story Jan. 22. 2024 on a Toyota subsidiary cheating on vehicle safety tests.

My AP Story Jan. 19, 2024 on the poetry reading at the Imperial Palace.

My AP Story Jan. 18, 2024 on Uniqlo’s lawsuit against a rival retailer over a hit bag.

My AP Story Jan. 15, 2024 and My AP Photos of the men alleging sexual abuse by Johnny Kitagawa expressing dissatisfaction at the company response.

My AP Story Jan. 10, 2024, updated Jan. 11, 2024, on how people are dying after getting rescued from quake damage.

My AP Story Jan. 9, 2024 on a woman who runs a fish store telling us how determined she is to rebuild Wajima. The neighborhood cat below:

My AP Story Jan. 8, 2024 about the thousands of people who have lost their homes.

My AP Story Jan. 7, 2024 on the rescue operations in the snow.

My AP Story Jan. 6, 2024 on a miracle rescue.

My AP Story Jan. 5, 2024 on survivors being found beneath rubble.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2024 on the losses people are enduring.

Click on the link below for heartbreaking video of the man in the photo above seeing the body of his wife.

My AP Story Jan. 4, 2024 on rescue efforts after the quakes in Ishikawa Prefecture.

The version that appeared Jan. 3, 2024 in The Stars and Stripes, without the updates that continued into the following day.

My AP Story Jan. 2, 2024 on the death toll from the quakes in Ishikawa climbing.

My AP Story Jan. 1, 2024 when the major quake and tsunami hit.

I’m a Contributor to this AP Story Jan. 1, 2024 that’s a global New Year’s roundup.


This is what I found recently as memories on Facebook, of all places, written while I was covering Tokyo Electric Power Co., the utility operating the nuclear power plant in Fukushima that sank into meltdowns after the March 11, 2011 tsunami. I didn’t even remember having written this. It brings back memories so horrible they are almost absurd, even comical, if they weren’t so real and literally catastrophic. I don’t remember why I didn’t share these 12 posts on my then brand new web site, although I went on to write a whole play about the nuclear disaster: NEWS FROM FUKUSHIMA. What made the TEPCO Correspondence so endearing, while also chilling, to read for me now is that, well, it all really happened. I was there, every day, watching the events unfold, filing the news, all the while praying Japan would be saved. But in retrospect, we were lucky as reporters. At least we were busy. One day, a TEPCO official in charge of media runs into the room, where all the media people practically lived at that time in TEPCO headquarters. He comes in running and shouting that a system at one of the reactors has broken down. There might be yet another meltdown. All we do is busily file alerts. But then he runs back in again, shouting: It’s fixed. It’s fixed. I’m telling you: A big cheer went up in that room. Sometimes there are moments like that. When what is happening is bigger than the next news story, and all we can do is rejoice as people.

TEPCO Correspondence: Notes From a Writer Beyond the Headlines


April 2011


Heard at TEPCO: Company spokesman Junichi Matsumoto’s description of “a meltdown,” when asked by a reporter for “an image” _ “The core is DORO DORO gooey and BOTA BOTA drip-drop melting to the bottom of the reactor.”


On my way to NISA, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, from Kasumigaseki subway station, I pass by the bookstore that sells government reports and booklets. The shop window had a big poster for a book about nuclear power that said: “Peaceful Energy.” It made me want to cry.


Japanese are sensitive to the fears about radiation. Our nation is the only one in the world to have experienced atomic bombings. I have grown up hearing horror stories and seeing photos not only of charred bodies, disfiguring burns and skeletal buildings but also about illnesses that crept up years later, sometimes extending over generations.


That is why the poster is touting the glories of nuclear power as “peaceful.”


We have been told there is a five-layer protection against radioactive leaks at nuclear plants _ the pellets are encased in coatings, and inside rods that are in a vessel, which in turn is inside another chamber, and that is encased in a building. The building bit is what blew up to bits at reactors 1 and 3 shortly after the March 11 tsunami.


So there goes that layer.


The pellets are believed to be doing all that doro doro and bota bota inside the core. So much for those layers. The massive leak of highly radioactive water near reactor 2 means without a doubt that the chamber layer has been compromised, if not something even closer to the pellets.


So where are those five layers of safety that were supposed to protect the people of Japan?

How could they have said there would be a fivefold guarantee of safety if all the layers were so fragile?


There is talk of unifying the now separate news conferences by NISA amd TEPCO on the nuclear crisis. NISA spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama said there were complaints about inconsistencies in the message. I hope they take all the questions. With so many parties involved, on such a complex topic, coverage is likely to remain arduous.


For the first few weeks after March 11, TEPCO officials kept telling us: This is not Three Mile Island.

As Fukushima Daiicihi began spewing highly radioactive water into the sea and radiation was detected in spinach, tap water and the air we breathe, they stopped saying that.


But they kept telling us: This is not Chernobyl.

The government declared FD a Level 7, the same as Chernobyl, on April 12.

They no longer tell us what this is not _ they just look sad and helpless.


Some reporters are frustrated by the briefings at TEPCO, the flipflopping, the don’t knows, evasive answers, sometimes the wrong numbers, off by a few decimal points. “Is this Iwo Jima?” one angry reporter said. “Maybe all we can hope for is a kamikaze (divine wind) to blow and save us,” another said sadly.


SFJAZZ with drums
Photo by Annette Borromeo Dorfman

I’m invited to speak at the Asian American Journalists Association annual convention in San Francisco.
The theme of my presentation is what a reporter does outside journalism _ in my case, the spoken word.
For once, I will be a poet and a journalist at once.
I have been a reporter at The Associated Press for nearly 25 years.
That’s a big chunk of my life.
I was a published poet long before I joined AP; I was writing poetry from my childhood.
I have kept those two sides of myself separate, not only because AP reporters must be objective and neutral, but more because I wanted to protect that delicate part of me that allows me to be a poet.
For a long time, I saw my true self as a poet and my role as a reporter as a job.
I wanted to write, and it is one way to get paid for writing.
But I believe in journalism.
I have learned over the years that there are key things journalism can accomplish that no literature can.
And that I am one and the same person.

Associated Press Correspondent Yuri Kageyama was a poet before she even thought about becoming a journalist. For years, she assumed the two areas of her writing were separate — one intensely personal, the other professional. Sometimes she struggled to simply find time to write poetry. But over the years, she has remained a poet, perhaps first and foremost a poet. Yuri speaks about reporting and reconciliation: how the Fukushima nuclear disaster really helped tie her dual passions together. And with her Yuricane spoken-word band, she will show that in action.

My YURICANE band features Melvin Gibbs (bass), Hide Asada (guitar) and Hirokazu Suyama Jackson (drums amd tab;a).

The Hyatt Regency hotel Pacific N Room (5 Embarcadero Center in San Francisco)

FRI Aug. 14, 2015. 11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

MORE: Yuri Kageyama is a poet, journalist and filmmaker. She leads her spoken-word band The Yuricane. Her performance piece will open at La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York in September. A reporter at The Associated Press. A magna cum laude graduate of Cornell. M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley. Here are some of her works at The AP.

Please contact me through here for more information or to be on my guest list.